class Color - rgb color


from ezblock import Color

c = Color()                                      # create an color object
white = c.color("#ffffff")                       # hex color
white_led = c.led_color("#ffffff")               # hex color for led
color_red = c.get_from("red", "#ffffff")         # get red from a rgb color
random_color = c.random()                        # get random color
color = c.rgb(200, 20, 40)                       # get color from RGB value
blended = c.blend("#ff0000", "#00ff00", 0.5)     # blend 2 color with specific ratio 


class ezblock.Color() Create an Color object. This allows you to then get or control colors!


  • color - get color from a hex string. this function only test the value if is color format, then returns the input value.

  • led_color - get color from a hex string. this function only test the value if is color format, then returns the input value. same as color()

  • get_from - get Red/Green/Blue value from a color.

Color().get_from("red", "#88ff44")
  • random - get random color.

  • rgb - get color from RGB value. ranlue ranges 0~255.

  • blend - blend two color with specific ratio. Ratio ranges 0~1, float

Color().blend("#ff0000", "#00ff00", 0.5)